Generative design - the Future

Image credit: Autodesk

Generative design - a perspective on the future of development & construction

At Gbolade Design Studio we’re passionate about pushing the boundaries of economic yet creative design and construction through the use of digitisation, standardisation and offsite construction. We’ve adopted in-house methodologies and systems to capitalise on the efficiencies and added value these processes have to offer.  

In this blog we share our thoughts on the future of residential development with a glimpse of the potential impact of Generative Design (GD). 

Generative design is an iterative semi-automated design process involves using intelligent software and client-architect parameter inputs to rapidly generate a certain number of options. The numerous outputs are then further refined in order to reduce or augment the number of realistic options to develop within a detailed brief scope set by the Client and architect in collaboration. The process relies on human values and decision making. 

The key advantage of Generative design is the ability to can cycle through thousands of design choices, test configurations and learn from each iteration what works and what doesn’t; beyond what a human alone could create, to arrive at greater number of more effective concept designs from the outset. 

Generative Design is becoming more important and adopted, in part, due to new programming software or coding/scripting capabilities that have made it relatively straightforward for consultants to integrate with their existing design methodologies. When combined with machine-learning and AI (artificial intelligence) the mind boggles at what could be. With the adoption of automation in cars and consumables becoming more commonplace everyday the idea of generating building designs with the same systems becomes very plausible.

So what does that mean for you, our Clients and for us?

Well, when you combine the potential of generative design with offsite manufacturing on a DfMA (Design for Manufacturing + Assembly) platform at scale the potential is truly staggering. As well as iterating multiple feasibility scenarios in quick succession, the ability to simulate multiple cost, programme, energy models and feed this direct to manufacture the whole front to end development process is much more aligned and streamlined. As a client there is great visibility, added-value and certainty associated with project programming, design process,  constructions costs and quality. Look at it as Generative Design for Manufacturing + Assembly (G.DfMA). Yes, you heard it hear first! So what’s not to to like, right?