The launch of the new Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Overlay to the RIBA Plan of Work 2020, includes key tasks that architects and construction professionals need to do to enable Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). In his role as Client Lead, our Co-Founding Director Lanre was part of the Steering Group of industry experts that contributed to its update.

“The update to the RIBA DfMA Overlay comes at a critical time for the industry as we tackle the impacts of Covid and Brexit. To fully capture all the benefits of innovation in construction and deliver truly high quality sustainable buildings through use of MMC, Offsite production and delivery and digital technology, then clear guiding principles in designing for production led manufacture and assembly is needed for Clients and project teams. With experience as architect and Client Innovation Lead, I’m proud to have contributed to this updated guide and encourage its adoption, especially by Clients, to drive forward the change we know is imperative.” - Lanre Gbolade

Watch the Webinar HERE

Access the DfMA Overlay here - https://www.architecture.com/knowledge-and-resources/resources-landing-page/dfma-overlay-to-the-riba-plan-of-work